GroupShare Web API Help Page


This page documents the GroupShare REST API. Through the use of the REST Web API 3rd party developers can extend the GroupShare eco-system. Your applications can integrate with GroupShare using simple HTTP methods - supporting JSON format. All the calls in this specifications are OAuth 2.0 protected resources. This means that callers must provide a so called "bearer token". This token can be obtained by issuing a POST request, to the authentication/api/1.0/login URL (see the Login section). The received token can be used to get access to the associated resources (all of the exposed API calls).

Accessing protected REST API resources

Requests to protected resources that require authorization will return HTTP code 401 - Unathorized, if the Authorization request-header is not found or if the token expired. In this case you need to include the Authorization request-header with a valid authorization token value. To get this authorization token do a POST request to authentication/api/1.0/login.

Response body of an authentication request

The respone to the POST request to authentication/api/1.0/login is the bearer access token. Use this value in the Authorization request-header, with each call to protected resources.


Requests to restricted resources

Take the token value sent in response to the POST request to authentication/api/1.0/login and include it in the Authorization request-header. The authorization scheme should be set to "Bearer". This means that you need to set the Authorization request-header by concatenating "Bearer " and the returned token value.

Authorization: Bearer AAIAAD35zz7qdUHHSRceCMP6zg7F8MClF6g4oMmz9Df0oxSODp9F9gZWCzpzds7hSlfmbB2IuxmAjXnNSA            


Bearer tokens need to be protected from disclosure using transport layer security. Any party in possession of a valid token can access protected resources.